5 ways to reduce your health care costs

We find ourselves in an age where taking care of our health is a cause of greater concern than any other. Today we are going through critical times where we have to take much better care of ourselves in order to avoid health and therefore financial difficulties. We must bear in mind that, in case of requiring medical attention and given the times we live in, the costs of medical care continue to rise. That is why we consider it useful to know tips to take measures to help us reduce health care costs without detracting from the quality of medical services, learn how to save money and get the care you need. If you have a Major Medical Expenses Policy, check your plan information so you know what services are available, such as Medical Assistance, Telephone Medical Guidance or Discounts with Network Providers.try the tips below so you can make the most of your benefits and save money on your care.

1.Take care of your health.

Maintaining a healthy weight, exercising regularly and reducing your use of alcohol or cigarettes reduces the risk of health conditions. Staying healthy helps you avoid costly tests and treatments.

2. Prevention.

Get routine screening tests. These tests can detect medical problems early, when they may be easier to treat.

3. Plan emergency care in advance.

When an illness or injury occurs, you need to decide how serious it is and how soon to seek medical attention. Consider getting immediate medical advice if you are in doubt; don't let time pass, as it may aggravate the health condition.

4. Choose health care providers who are part of the network.

Depending on your health coverage, you may have the option of seeing in-network providers or out-of-network providers. If you go to network providers, your excess costs will be reduced or even eliminated.

5. Save money on medicines.

Ask your health care provider if there are low-cost or generic medicines you can use for your health treatment. There are brands that have the same active ingredient and cost less. Not in all cases there are options, but it is important to always ask your health care provider.

At Fidex, we are specialists in designing insurance plans for employees, so please contact us to find the scheme that best suits your needs.

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