Duty of Care: The duty to protect in modern times,

It is sometimes thought that the concept of "Duty of Care" or "duty to protect" is new, when this is not the case, only that in current times it has become more relevant due to the economic and social situation, which triggers the need to protect one's physical integrity. In the last decades, governments have reduced health benefits to citizens, who have been forced to take out insurance on their own to offer them more coverage; for this reason, companies that offer health care policies to their workforce have become highly valued.

What is Duty of Care: The Duty to Protect?

It is important for companies to provide their employees with an efficient salary as well as safe working areas. Companies that protect their employees have a better image in society and a satisfactory working environment.

Duty of Care initiatives

- Providing psychological care for employees

- Have a maternity and paternity programme that allows them to have extra time to care for their newborn children.

- Offering support to employees in times of crisis

- Providing access to private health insurance that improves their quality of life. Insurance schemes for workers are considered an investment because they promote company profitability, work motivation and quality work.

We invite you to visit our insurance options at www.fidex.com.mx

For more information, please contact us via:

Fidex contact: +52 (81) 8133 6100