What is an employee wellness plan, and why is it so convenient to have one?

The benefits for the company range from having more productive and motivated staff to avoiding costly penalties.

As an employer, you would like your staff to have the same energy and motivation towards the company that you have yourself. An employee wellness plan is an effective way to increase the professional satisfaction associated with working for the company as well as the physical and mental health of the workforce.

45% of companies still do not have an extensive wellness plan, despite the fact that these labour practices are becoming increasingly important. Mexico has even been subject to regulations focused on providing a favourable working environment for employees.

NOM-035, in force since October 2018 and mandatory for all companies regardless of size, establishes parameters to avoid psychosocial risks at work such as severe traumatic events, interference in the work-family relationship and workplace violence, in addition to promoting a favourable working environment. Fines for non-compliance range from 4,000 to 422,000 pesos depending on the severity of the case.

On the other hand, companies that have implemented employee wellness policies and plans have found tangible benefits such as:

- Reduced absenteeism and shorter recovery times for injuries.

- Reduction of health insurance costs.

- Increased physical and moral resilience of workers.

- Increased productivity.

- Reduction of interpersonal conflicts.

Fidex designs tailor-made plans for each company, based on four pillars:

- Physical health: activities to improve employees' quality of life

- Emotional health: activities aimed at reducing psychosocial risks in the company

- Financial health: activities that provide tools for the future

- Occupational health: activities conducive to a state of harmony

We invite you to come and see our options at www.fidex.com.mx.

For more information, please contact us via:

Alfredo Arellano alfredo.arellano@fidex.com.mx

Daniel Ramos daniel.ramos@fidex.com.mx

Fidex contact: +52 (81) 8133 6100