Employee Benefits

Through an analysis of your company's needs and objectives, we advise you on the design, choice and execution of benefit programmes for your employees, maintaining a balance between cost and benefits that favours the retention and attraction of talent, while at the same time raising the quality of life of your employees and their families.
Employee Benefits Management
Through coverage auditing processes and identifying the products and services of the insurance market that adjusts to the needs of your business, we help you to design and manage the benefit programs that contribute to the well being and retention of your employees. Always seeking to acheive a positive balance between cost vs benefit for your business. 
Loyalty Programs Management
We help you design and manage loyalty programs focus on the wellbeing of your employees or groups of people related to your company, such as commissioners, clients and suppliers, among others; giving them access to a wide variety of products and services from the personal insurance market, under preferential costs and conditions. These programs help increase the retention of your employees and the loyalty of the groups that are related to your business or company.
Advisory and Brokerage
Our team of certified professionals will keep you informed of tendencies and innovations of products and services within the insurance market, and they will help you define and execute the necessary engagement and negotiation strategies to obtain the best cost, coverage and service conditions within the market. Through our service networks we offer you multinational solutions.
Account management
Our team of professionals offer you a personalized service throughout the management and coordination for delivering the engaged products and services, including advise on coverage, benefits dissemination sessions, staff training and periodic reports with the progress of the established agreements.
Claims management
The success of our business depends on the timely and satisfactory response when a loss occurs, therefore, our services covers activities that occur previously to, during or after the loss. The design of manuals and procedures for claming losses, advise and assistance for claiming losses, progress reports for claims in process and loss reports for decision making.
Information technology
To offer an immediate response to the needs of your organization is a priority in our service delivery. Therefore, we offer you IT and communication systems that have the ability to be enabled for different user profiles within your organization, be it for people in charge of administrative and human resource areas or the employee that receives the benefit. Take advantage of our online tools and our contact center to performe queries; quote; engage and print your insurance policies; inquire on the progress of your claims; receive loss reports; manage and obtain information of your multinational insurance programs.
Flexible Benefits

Our flexible benefits services help you create the best compensation plan for your employees because it is tailored to their needs at every point in their lives.

-We support you in measuring the fiscal factors of your programme planning.

-We define the best benefits plan based on the needs of your employees.

-We generate the ideal communication plan to implement in your company.

-Administration and operation of insurance on the Fidex benefits platform.

-Evaluation of improvement plans and initiatives.

Dexter Analytica
  • Claims analysis
  • Product use trends
  • Costs incurred 
  • Main claims
  • Relevant cases
  • Main suppliers
The Fidex analytics platform allows you to quickly and dynamically provide information on the performance of all lines of business.
Major Medical Expenses Claims Portal
In case you need support for the processing of Major Medical Expenses claims, we offer you our portal where you can enter the information of your claim and our executives will support you throughout the process.
Our Chatbot allows us to provide you with advice or information to report your claim in a fast and effective way available 24/7 from your mobile phone.
Client Access Module

We generate tools for the administration of your programmes that allow self-service to make important movements on your programmes.

  • Consult the information on your policies, certificates and insured risks.
  • Generates movements of additions and deletions of certificates and entries.
  • Download policies and certificates.
  • Download transaction and payment reports.
  • Uploading of policy related documents.

We provide general and specialised medical care through our telemedicine services so that your employees are protected anytime, anywhere from their mobile phones.

  • Programmes tailored to your needs
  • Immediate care for your employees in case of illness
  • General medicine and most commonly used medical specialities.
  • Monthly usage reports
  • Issuing prescriptions.

Specialised programme where we help you to promote behaviours and activities in your organisation to generate new healthy habits based on 4 main pillars: Emotional Health, Physical Health, Financial Health and Occupational Health.

On-site Wellness Plan - Our specialists visit your facilities to carry out the activities with your employees.

Online Wellness Plan - We adapt the activities so that employees can experience them from their computers.

Digital Wellness Plan - We have a wellness content platform specialised in guiding users in physical and emotional activities to consult at any time from their mobile device.

NOM 035

We support you in complying with NOM 035 with our psychosocial risk assessment service and your company's favourable organisational environment.

- Generation of online measurement questionnaires.

- Collecting information and sending reminders during the survey period.

- Analysis of information and generation of organisational status reports.

- Presentation of results and measurement report.

We also generate the psychosocial risk policy and provide psychological support to your employees.

Actuarial Services

We offer actuarial consulting services for the valuation of different pension plan alternatives to ensure a dignified retirement for your employees.

We accompany you in the design, valuation, selection of the financing option up to the implementation in your company.

We also have valuations to help you understand your company's labour liabilities and meet your tax obligations.

Fiscal Services

With our tax consultancy we support you to have the best compensation plan for your employees maximising the tax benefits for your company.

  • Current valuation of the compensation scheme
  • Valuation in case of changes in the benefit plan.
Company pensions

We support you in the creation of company pension plans where you and your employees jointly generate the capital to ensure a dignified retirement.

Our pension products allow you to offer the benefit of excellent tax incentives within your compensation plan.

Automobile and Home
Insurance to cover vehicules and/or homes of the employees, through a group policy, ensuring low costs and very broad coverage.
Minor Medical Expenses and Dental Insurance 
Insurance to help in preventive health costs, meaning this, they are focused on the day to day health treatments. These can cover regular doctor appointments, discounts on medicine and other basic expenses for health care.
Insurance to cover the economic losses that can affect persons insured due to the costs of treatment or surgery, that have been prescribed by a doctor, as necessary, for health care events caused by accidents or illnesses.
Personal Accidents 
Insurance to cover financial losses that may be suffered as a result of an accident or illness of the insured. We offer products for personal accidents, travel accidents, school accidents, cancer, expenses for serious illnesses, among others.
Life and Disability
Life insurance for individual and groups to primarily cover economic losses that may occur by the death, disability or loss of body parts of the insured person. Besides the traditional life coverage schemes also we offer balance plans, funeral expenses and annuities.